Picture your brain through the ages:

Charles Estienne, De Dissectione Partium Corporis Humani Libri Tres. Wood engraving attributed to Jean Jollat. Paris, France; 1545.

Rene Descartes, The Pineal Gland (1644)

Thomas Willis, Cerebri Anatome (1664), illustration by Christopher Wren (yep, that Christopher Wren)

Andreas Vesalius, De Humani Corpus Fabrica (1543)

Andreas Vesalius, De Humani Corpus Fabrica (1543)

The Mystery of the Human Mind, engraving, Robert Fludd, Utriusque Cosmic Majoris, 1617–1621

Phrenological Bust (L.N. Fowler), c1860

Frontal Cortex Connectivity map (2008), Bruno B. Averback and Moonsang Seo
missy peregrym
Check Your Head